Wednesday, 5 March 2025

New Blog in Town!

 Veteran wargamer, toy soldier collector and all round good chap, my friend Graham Apperley has started a blog, Tales from the Toy Room, and there is a link to it in the column on the right.  Please take a look, you'll like what you'll see.

Also added to the bloglist today is Little Wars 1913 run by another friend, Mike Lewis, this blog has been around for more than a decade but I only discovered it yesterday so here is the link.  Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the heads up re the new blog. It is a super read. Unfortunately Google will not let me follow or comment, grrr Google!
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Thankyou for your kind comment Alan. I'm sorry google isn't playing ball for you. Its odd as you can comment here which is also a google blog! I wish I could advise but my techy knowledge is meager to say the least, stretched to breaking point just getting my blog off the ground.

  2. Brian, you really are too kind. Thankyou for your kind words and your post. I am really encouraged by the reception my blog has received. I have lots of ideas for further posts and hope to put one up in the next few days. My aim is between 2 and 4 a month.
    Cheers Graham
