Saturday 24 December 2016

King & Country at the London Toy Soldier Show 2016

As mentioned in the previous post, Andy Neilson had a stand at the show representing King & Country Hong Kong and here is what he brought over with him.

Wars of the Roses, beautiful figures made by John Jenkins Design, I wish I'd taken more pics.

A simple diorama that shows these figures off to great effect, I find these displays invaluable for uniform references and conversion inspiration.

At the other end of the board, the Royalists get a helping hand from Cardinal Richelieu  and his Mousquetaires?

This section of a Japanese aircraft carrier is massive, I can't imagine many homes in the UK being large enough to accommodate it! 

The inexorable march of the victorious Japanese (or are they limping away in retreat?) either way I thought the terrain effect were very impressive.

Another massive diorama, these are 60mm figures, Andy Neilson is standing behind it to give you an idea of the overall size.

A close up of the Russian advance......

.....and the desperate German rearguard.

With Christmas Day galloping up upon us may I extend to all, my Compliments of the Season, and wish you all the Peaceful and Restful few days that you have surely earned.

Saturday 17 December 2016

London Toy Soldier Show - December 2016

Some more gratuitous pictures of toy soldiers taken at the recent show in London, the December show is usually the best one of the year as it attracts dealers who don't bother with the earlier ones.  I just noticed that the March 2017 show has been advertised as "Incorporating Wargaming" so lets hope that means we'll be seeing more of the Skirmish Group.  The show will continue in it's current venue, the Design Centre, Islington for the March and June events next year but in December 2017 it is moving to Haverstock School in Chalk Farm, London NW3.

Not sure who made these or who's stall they were on but I felt such nice models needed a wider audience

This  piece was labelled "Big Bertha" and was on the same stall as the diorama above, shame it doesn't fire matchsticks though!

This was the table of a dealer from France who only comes over for the December London Show, he brings such unusual pieces it;s always worth a good long look at his wares.  I was very taken with the Chinese flagmen, I don't know if they go with the rickshaws - clearing a way through the crowds for them but it looks like they are the same maker.

More of the table above, love those early tanks and the pairs of animals: tiger bringing down an antelope and cobra with mongoose, a bit gruesome perhaps but full of originality, made by "RF" France.

This rather nice Nile Gunboat was on the stall of Modellers Loft who mostly deal in Action Man and similar genre (as you can see from the boxes in the background) but I thought it worth taking the pic to inspire anyone who might be thinking of making one for themselves.

Other news: Dorset Model Soldiers had a stand under the auspices of Peter Jones who is taking over the mantle from Giles Brown, Giles is still involved but mostly in an advisory capacity and carrying out repairs to old figures.  The contact details and everything else remains unchanged, I had a long chat with Peter about an order I had sent in just the day before and found him very helpful so this augurs well for the future.

New to the show and new to me were Covent Garden Games who tell me they have had a toy soldier stall established in Covent Garden Market for 30 years!  I'm a fairly regular visitor to the Covent Garden area and I never knew of them so there's a reasonable chance that you won't have either and hence I'm giving them a plug here, nice young people, if you find yourself in Central London take a look in.

Also at the show was Andy Neilson representing King and Country Hong Kong, they had brought over some quite impressive dioramas which I'll try to get posted up before Christmas.

That's all for now folks.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Skirmish Wargames Group at the London Toy Soldier Show

I managed to miss the June show and would have missed yesterday's event had it not been for a last minute text from an old pal (so thanks for the heads up Keith).  Suddenly it's December and I don't know where the rest of the year has gone....too much work, not enough toy soldiers, that's where it went!

I digress, back to the show and I was delighted to see that the Skirmish Wargames Group had made a reappearance after several years of absence, they returned with a game based on the Spartacus Slave Revolt in Rome, and here it is:

Overview of the table, groups of rebels mill about rioting while a body of Gladiators square up to the black shield wall of the 9th Legion (Thomas Gunn figures).

View of the revolt from across the river.

Roman troops close in on the rioters.

The escapees from the Circus stand their ground.

Stand off with the Legionnaires.... the net tightens.....

.....the slaves have nothing to lose and throw themselves at the shield wall.

Once again the Skirmish Wargames Group showed us great figures and great scenery, I think the rules they were using were "Hail Ceasar" written by Rick Priestley and available to download from Warlord Games.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Group's return to the London Show will become a regular feature once more as I always find their demonstrations inspiring.

More gratuitous pics of toy soldiers from the show to follow as time allows.  A great show followed by convivial company and a few pints in a proper old London boozer, when I returned home the latest issue of Plastic Warrior magazine was waiting on the mat for me (see link on the left).  
My Christmas has started.