Friday 6 September 2024

Jacobite Rebellion - One Hour Wargames

Subsequent to this year's Plastic Warrior Show, Anthony has acquired the greater part of a Jacobite 54mm wargames collection created by our old friend Eric Kemp.  Needless to say, we couldn't wait to get them out on the table.  We turned to our default ruleset for such games, One Hour Wargames by Neil Thomas and selected Scenario 6 - Flank Attack.

This post is really a shameless opportunity to show off some very pretty toy soldiers, for which I offer no apology!

The scenario opens with the Jacobite army on the road home to Scotland, their path blocked by two units of Government troops, while another 4 units are approaching on the east flank. 

The basic rules were tweaked to reflect national/tactical differences so that Highlanders have a longer move distance and can charge but not shoot they also gain a +2 in melee, regular infantry can move or fire but not both and can't charge. 

This makes for a fast moving and very bloody game so we actually managed to play the scenario twice and this was the first game

Two units of Highlanders in the van followed by artillery and a unit of French allies (their only regular unit) approach the Government regulars.

The blocking Government troops get off a volley before they are hit by the Highlanders charge, once in melee they are unable to disengage.

The Government troops out on the flank include a unit of loyalist Lowlanders who have the same movement and combat features as the Highlanders.

The regulars and artillery on the flank advance into range and begin to pepper the attacking Highlanders.

The French regulars turn to face the threat from the flank.....

......and defend against the charging Lowlanders 

The Highlanders have the advantage in melee but need to engage quickly before they take too much punishment from the musket volleys, flexibility in changing formation proved to be the key to the game.

In the second game the Government drew a unit of cavalry, together with the artillery they blocked the path of the Highland army.

Cavalry follow the standard OHW Horse and Musket rules, they can charge but if they do not eliminate the unit attacked they are bounced back half a move.

The collection includes Jacobite cavalry in the form of Bagot's Hussars but sadly they didn't get drawn when units were diced for, I think they would have made a substantial difference to the dynamics of the game.

With the Highlanders enhanced movement both sides moved rapidly into contact and very quickly became depleted in combat, these were without doubt the fastest OHW games we have played to date.

The Government troops carried the day in both games but they were each a very close run thing.

The figures themselves include a large number of conversions, particularly among the Highlanders, makers include: Replicants, Armies in Plastic, A Call to Arms, Accurate, Barzo, Marx, Cherilea and Timpo.


  1. No apology is ever required for pics of toy soldiers! What a great collection of figures.

    1. You're quite right on both counts (just wish the figures were mine!)

  2. That’s a very nice collection of figures and the battle report was a great read.

    All the best,


    1. Glad you enjoyed it Bob, the games were great fun to play.

  3. Lovely post, Brian. I have to search far and wide to view period games using 54mm figures. More please. And I do understand the 'bounce back' cavalry rule, particularly if they are small units of medium or light cavalry attacking formed regulars. This rule would also apply to the AWI, where units sometimes only numbered 30 to 80 troopers actually charging!
    Michael (Wargaming with.....)

    1. There are a few interesting 54mm games on facebook, but as you say they do take some searching for. The mechanisms in OHW do seem to work particularly well for 54mm games.

  4. Beautiful troops and an excellent report Brian! Thanks for showing them off, they make a marvelous collection! It looks like a wonderful day was had by all and that's what it's all about!!

    1. The games were fast and furious but great fun, even though I lost, twice!

  5. Really enjoyed seeing these and the accompanying battle report.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. It is a unique collection and Eric is a master of his craft.

  6. A fine collection of figures on active service …

  7. Aim achieved completely: lovely figures shown off to perfection!
    Thank you and regards, James

    1. Thanks James, they certainly deserve a wider audience!

  8. Hello Brian, thank you for the namecheck, you will get first refusal on the Polish Winged Hussars should I decide to sell them! Best, Eric

    1. Thanks Eric, and it's very kind of you to consider me, all the best, Brian.
