Showing posts with label Battle Masters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battle Masters. Show all posts

Monday, 10 March 2025

Woking Games Day 2025

 Last Saturday a small band of the faithful from the Little Wars Revisited group assembled in Woking for this years Games Day.  The event was hosted by Mike who offered us three games using 54mm toy soldiers including Waddington's Battle of the Little Big Horn (seen on this blog previously).  I took part in a Battle Masters Lord of the Rings game and here's how it went:

Anthony provided all the figures and umpired the game, this is the starting position with the forces of Middle Earth on the left and the Hordes of Mordor on the right.

The forces of Mordor included this rather fine Ogre, I don't know who he's made by but he certainly looks the part.

The figures used are mostly Britains Deetail knights with minimal repainting and relevant heraldry to distinguish either side, I was very taken with the quality of the basing.

The dark forces included Orcs and Uruk-hai from Britains recent metal LOTR range.

This rather nicely designed terrain matt comes with the original MB Battle Masters boardgame.  The firing system for the trebuchet on the left was fun if a little erratic. but very effective when it hit home.

The Mordor cavalry, Britains Deetail Saracens looking suitably sinister in red and black.

The Ogre is slow to get going but unstoppable once he starts, he gave my horsemen a real pasting!

Audience participation was less than hoped for.

Regular players Patrick and his son William brought along their collection of Anglo-Norman figures for the 1135-53 Civil War between King Stephen and Empress Matilda

The game was a Norman skirmish using the Song of Blades and Heroes rules, the figures are 54mm metal made Irregular Miniatures and you can see more of them on Patrick's website here:  Patricks Wargames