Tuesday 16 May 2023

Plastic Warrior Show 2023

 The PW Show has been running annually since 1985 (2 years COVID lockdown excepted), and on Saturday someone said to me "It pretty much runs itself now doesn't it".  Well, no it doesn't, there are always problems, there are so many things outside of our control, and the Gods love to have fun with mortals who make plans.  This year they had a lot of fun and we had a lot of challenges but the support and camaraderie of the enthusiasts who overcame the travel problems and turned up carried the day.  So if you were one of them, thank you, you're the ones who really make the show.

I always use the show as an opportunity to clear out stuff I no longer need, stuff that has sat in a cupboard unloved, unlooked at and unused for years.  I wanted it when I bought it, perhaps on a whim, or maybe for a project that never came to fruition (plenty of them!), some stuff was just picked up to save it from the skip or the ravages of tiny fingers, whatever.  

The important thing is that it gives someone else some pleasure in acquisition, takes up their storage space and ultimately becomes their problem.  It also frees up space in my cupboards and in my head for me to get more stuff.  This was my haul for the day (plus several bags of Hing Fat WW2 out of the pic), by coincidence I ended the day with as much cash in my pocket as I started it, so in my personal microeconomic view I got all this stuff for nothing.

This is the Garibaldi Red Shirt set made in Italy by Co-Ma, I've only been searching 40 years for them so I expect they'll be turning up all over the place now.  Very similar to Atlantic in style but a bit smaller at about 50mm tall, four of them should have muskets in black plastic, I'll give them Timpo ones.

I do like to see English cavalry in a pillbox cap, this composition figure was made in France by Bon Dufour, badly damaged but condition has never been an issue for me.

Some odds and ends for various collections, a couple of Natives from PZG of Poland, some composition figures gifted from Andreas Dittmann who came over with the collectors from Germany and some French infantry by Toumoulage that will find employment in the International Brigade for my Spanish Civil War project.

I usually try to get lots of photos of the tables to encourage more people to come to the show, this year I didn't really have time to wander around taking pics but here are a few bits that give a flavour of what it's all about.  

When I got home I took a few more pics of the stuff I bought and I'll try to get them posted up over the next few days.


  1. Brian, I guess this means you won't be painting the 'Garibaldi' troops, as they are collectables? Nice haul of figures.

    1. No I don't think I'll be painting the Garibaldi's, I have enough already converted from various ACW, there's plenty of new stuff for the plastic mountain and I'm on an ancient/Medieval kick at the moment.

  2. Looks a terrific event, next year…
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. It was a good show and nice to catch up with several others from the FLW group, just never enough time to get around to everyone.

  3. Thanks for sharing these tempting pictures of tables of good things.

    1. Glad you liked them, just have to paint all this stuff now!

  4. Congratulations Brian on finding your Co-Ma set, it's a wonderful feeling to find something that you have been looking for that long! Enjoy it!

    1. Thanks Brad, things always seem to turn up when you least expect them!

  5. Great show Brian - very well done. The redshirt company was a good find.

    1. Good to see you and the other guys again Tim, glad you had a good time.
