Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Galloglass and Kern - Oojah-Cum-Pivvy

 Back in October last year I posted a picture of this Irish Galloglass up on facebook asking if anyone knew who made it and if it was a one off or part of a set?   The same day an old friend, Jim Lloyd, identified it as being from the Oojah-Cum-Pivvy range issued by Shamus O D Wade between 1982 and 1984, not only that but he told me he had the Kern from the same series and sent it to me as a gift!

The figure is marked under the base O.3 and is listed as Irish Galloglass 1522, he has the distinctive look of a Tudor period Galloglass, in my opinion the sculpting and factory paint job are not of the highest standard but you have to admit it's a fairly unique subject in the world  of toy soldiers.

After the success of his Nostalgia range of modern "old toy soldier style" figures, which featured obscure units from the British Commonwealth and Empire 1850-1910, Shamus launched the Oojah-Cum-Pivvy range to produce subjects which just happened to take his fancy.  

Rather more colourful is the figure that Jim Lloyd kindly sent me, it is marked O.2 under the base and is listed as Irish Kern circa 1545.  I understand that the O stands for Oojah-Cum-Pivvy (Shamus marked his Nostalgia range figures with a stylised n) and the number relates to the sequential order in which they were issued.

In the Collectors Guide to New Toy Soldiers, Stuart Asquith tells us that the Oojah-Cum-Pivvy range  ran to 36 different white metal figures and had a limited edition of just 100 castings for each.  They were sculpted by Graham Morris and produced by Peter Cowan.

I only recall seeing 54mm figures of Tudor period Kerns and Galloglass once before, made in a rubber material by a chap in Russia, so they are now beyond our reach.

This is a more recent acquisition, marked O.9 and listed as Patzinak Mercenary 11th Century (Byzantine), he is a horse archer of the semi nomadic Turkic Pechenegs from Central Asia who allied with the Byzantines to control the Southeast European steppe and Crimean peninsula.  Another very unusual subject, there were three other Byzantine figures in the range.

I don't think this is the start of a new collection for me, because of the 36 figures in the Oojah-Cum-Pivvy range at least half depict 20th century subjects (primarily from the Indian Armed Forces) which don't really appeal to me. There are some interesting and unusual subjects among the Ancient and Medieval figures so I will be tempted to pick up more if I come across them.

Given that Shamus O D Wade was of Irish heritage (like me, he was born and raised in England to Irish parents and lived near us in West London) I had hoped that he might have included more Irish subjects in the Oojah-Cum-Pivvy range but sadly not.  I knew Shamus through the British Model Soldier Society and subscribed to his sales lists in the 1970s/80s, but at that time I was only interested in buying hollowcast figures from minor UK makers so took little interest in his Nostalgia and Oojah-Cum-Pivvy ranges of modern white metal figures.

Although he had no real interest in plastic toy soldiers Shamus was always supportive of Plastic Warrior from the earliest days, he was one of the few dealers to take a stand at the very first Plastic Warrior Show and it was entirely down to his continuous urging that we started to lodge copies of the magazine with the British Library so that the information they contain would be preserved for posterity. 


  1. Thank you for a very interesting report Brian! This is a range which I had never heard of before. There is always something new to learn in the world of toy soldiers! I'm so glad to hear that you have copies of Plastic Warrior with the British Library! After all of the hard work that you, Paul Morehead, and Peter Evans put into it, it's good to know that it will be preserved!

    1. Sadly they're not well known and were very limited production, it was several years before we got around to lodging copies of PW with the British Library but it's fair to say that without Shamus' nagging we'd never have done it at all.

  2. Brian, the novelty of the subject, and the limited edition, has to give these figures 'conversation' status in any collection, and also on the wargames table. Wonder what the other castings depicted?
    Michael (Wargaming with...)

    1. Hi Michael, I'm putting together a list of all the figures, the most interesting were 4 Byzantines and 4 WotR, all of the figures are portraits, there are none in action.

    2. Brian, have you been successful in putting together a list of the 36 figures. I would love to learn more about them as I have 6 figures my father in law bought from Shamus. In addition to the ones you showed in this posting I also have #7,8 and 10.

    3. Hi Anonymous, sorry for the delay in replying but I don't get so much time for blogs lately and have just found your comment this morning. I have an image of all 36 but it's not great quality and have identified 20 of them with their relevant issue number, it's very much an occasional project for me but I'll try to get a post up on progress so far.

  3. Interesting to see these figures, thanks for sharing.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. It's always nice to see something out of the ordinary.

  4. Unusual but very nice and interesting figures from a manufacturer I had not heard of before , thanks for the updat, Tony

    1. Glad you like them Tony, I'd love to find a few more.
